The program rolls forward every week on Sunday nights at 12am. We intentionally do not archive previous weeks.
The biggest reason here is that we want people to be as present as possible in their training so that we can work together concurrently as programming progresses through training macrocycles. This will ensure everyone’s focus is always looking forward (especially since there are people joining every single day and not just at the beginning of a week). Otherwise, people would perpetually be playing catch-up and always be behind or off-cycle on their programming. While there may be a couple day adjustment as you get into the swing of the new week, we recommend moving on to the current week’s prescribed training to get on track as soon as possible.
Remember, this program isn’t written as a 4-, 8-, or 12-week long program. Your goals are longer than 12-weeks, so your program should be too… And the biggest driver of sustainable and systematic progress will be long term consistency. Do whatever you can to get as much of your training in week-after-week and month-after-month, and you’ll continue to make progress.